U20 in 2025
The Urban 20 (U20) 2025 cycle is under the joint Chairship of the cities of Johannesburg and Tshwane. The G20 2025 Presidency is held by South Africa, representing the very first time the G20 is held in Africa in its over 25 years of existence.
For the 7th year in a row, U20 is recognised as a formal G20 Engagement Group, demonstrating G20’s commitment to listening to the voice of cities and local governments.
U20 2025 Co-Chairs are decided to further progressing and elevating the demands and commitments developed and put forward by cities in previous U20 cycles, in particular in calling for greater consideration of local governments in national development and urban strategies through facilitated access to finance for investment and public service provision, and for national governments to recognise cities as strategic partners to work closely together with on current challenges – which include but are not limited to – heightened impacts of climate change, rising social and economic inequalities and the promotion of social inclusion by ensuring the right to the city and public services.
The cycle will follow the format of previous years and will kick off with a virtual Sherpa meeting in the first half of the year, followed by an in-person Sherpa meeting and a Mayoral Summit later in the year, aligned as much as possible with the G20 meetings to ensure impact of the advocacy. The U20 2025 cycle will be organised around four key priorities, – subject to discussion and agreement by all U20 Participating cities:
- Economic opportunities and Financing
- Climate Action and Urban Resilience
- Social Inclusion and Equity
- Digital Transformation and Innovation.
As in previous years, U20 Co-Chairs, Co-Conveners and Participating Cities will work collaboratively with invited Observer cities, partner organisations and other G20 Engagement and Working Groups to elevate joint tasks and make meaningful contributions to the work of the G20 South Africa Presidency ahead of the G20 Leaders’ Summit in Johannesburg in November 2025.